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Justin Biebers Drug Orgy Hookup With Milyn Mimi Jenson Nursing Student Caused Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber's Drug Orgy Hookup With Milyn Mimi Jenson Nursing Student Caused Selena Gomez Breakup

To live the life of Justin Bieber must be a good one for an 18 year old. Too bad this latest news makes him come off as nothing more than a typical male with no moral compass pointing due north.

Reports coming from Star Magazine are claiming that one night in Los Angeles, Bieber and his best drug buddy, Lil Twist, were with a nursing student, 22 year old Milyn “Mimi” Jensen. Yeah, that sounds harmless, but it gets worse. Around 6 p.m. on the night of December 21st the three “all went to buy weed at a smoke shop on Olympic Blvd. in Hollywood,” the insider said, “then they got food at McDonald’s and went back to the hotel.” My first question right off the top is, does one of the three have a medical marijuana card? Yeah, probably not. The second question I ask myself is why would Bieber want to be seen out in public buying weed when it was just recently that a paparazzi was killed trying to get pictures of him. My answer to all these questions is simple, Bieber doesn’t care. Plain and simple. This is an 18 year old kid with way too much money. Being that young is one thing but having too much wealth is another.

But it doesn’t stop there. At the Beverly Hills Four Seasons hotel they smoked their dope and drank a narcotic chemical concoction known as “sizzurp” throughout the night. Maybe the trio thought it was best to take the party to Bieber’s mansion so that’s exactly what happened next. At the house they talked off tattoos, hookahs and Xanax. I don’t know about you but even if I liked a guy I wouldn’t turn into a pile of mush over that talk, but Mimi was reportedly taken with Biebs. Ugggh.

The night was far from over though; they went back to the hotel where Bieber took Mimi to the bedroom suite. “Justin surprised her by saying, ‘I want to know if you taste good.’ He started kissing her cheek and ear and neck and then her whole body,” the insider said. If you didn’t guess what happened next I’ll tell you, they had sex. My mind can’t even comprehend Bieber engaging in that act. “He seemed out of it, and even though he didn’t ask Mimi to leave, she decided she should go,” the source said, noting that Justin didn’t kiss her on the lips, making that was because of the simple fact he was in fact dating Selena Gomez at the time. Like I said, typical male. But shortly after that Gomez came to her senses and dumped Bieber, for good!

Image credit: Coqueran/FAMEFLYNET
