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Nadya Sulemans mom still living in trashed home four months after the kids left

In February, Radar Online posted a video featuring footage inside the three bedroom, one bath home that Octomom Nadya Suleman was sharing with her parents and six children at the time. (The octuplets were still in the hospital at that point.) The home was cluttered and messy, without much storage and with clothes and toys strewn around. It wasn’t awful, and it looked like you might expect for such a small space with so many young children.

The messy state of the home didn’t seem to matter much since it was in foreclosure and was on the brink of being auctioned off. I kind of assumed they would get their stuff, get out, and let the bank deal with the damage. Nadya moved to a 1/2 million dollar, 2,8000 square foot home in March. She told US Weekly that the fact that her parents’ home was being seized wasn’t her problem. She said “That’s up to my mom. She’s dealing with that.” Nadya lived with her parents and got free housing and childcare at least for a few months. (Reports vary, and Nadya claims she only lived with her parents while she was in the hospital, but the woman often lies through her teeth.) By many reports Nadya didn’t pay any household bills. The fact that she was moving out without trying to help save the home seemed callous to say the least.

Nadya’s mom Angela and her ex husband, Nadya’s dad Ed Doud, still live in that small bungalow in Wittier, California where they once cared for six grandchildren. Angela has an upcoming interview with In Touch in which she reveals that her daughter and the kids trashed the place and left tons of junk there. In Touch and Bauer-griffin have the photos and it looks just as bad, if not worse, as when the kids were living there. Angela gives the priceless excuse that she’s not cleaning up because it’s not her mess and she has “a bad back.” (Nadya Suleman collected over $165,000 in disability for a “bad back” from 2002-2008.)

Where there’s a group of kids, there’s bound to be chaos. But nothing prepared Angela Suleman — mother of “Octo-mom” Nadya Suleman — for the destruction caused by Nadya and her 14 children, who left her home wrecked and her life in ruins. Angela invited Life & Style reporter Rachel Teitelbaum to her Whittier, Calif., house on July 9 to see the damage for herself. There, in an exclusive interview, Angela opened up about the emotional — and financial — pain Nadya and her family have caused her. “My house is in shambles,” Angela says. I’m so disappointed.”

The smell of sour milk from an old spill permeates the air throughout Angela’s modest three-bedroom home. In the living room, clothing, books, toys and papers are scattered everywhere. Doorways are scratched, the walls are covered with crayon and there’s Silly String on the ceiling. The sofa is torn and full of holes. The bedrooms, bathrooms, yard and garage are in equally disastrous shape. The entire mess, says Angela, stems from a 2-month period beginning in late 2008 when she cared for her daughter’s six older children while Nadya was in the hospital getting ready to have her octuplets. After the babies were born and released from the hospital, Nadya brought them back to Angela’s home, where Nadya stayed until her house — a brand-new 2,500-square-foot four-bedroom abode — was completed.

Angela doesn’t seem to think the kids, who ranged in age from 2 to 7 at the time, were the problem. Instead, she blames Nadya for not teaching them how to behave. “There isn’t much discipline, unfortunately,” Angela says. “Half the time, she didn’t know what they were doing.” When Nadya finally moved out, she left the home in tatters for her mother to deal with. “Everything here could eventually be cleaned up,” Angela notes. “But I’m an old lady with a bad back. I’m not cleaning up after them.”

For more photos of Angela’s trashed home, pick up this week’s issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now.

[From Life and Style]

Damn this woman for making me defend Octomom, but it’s not Nadya’s fault that the kitchen table has bills piled all over it, that there’s still clutter all over the home, and that the kitchen and bathroom are so messy. The woman is incapable of organizing her home. Yes, Nadya should have cleaned up her junk and repaired the damage her kids left, but it’s doubtful that house was ever in order. Take a trash bag and sweep the little things away. Go to Target and buy some inexpensive storage pieces. I understand Angela being upset at Nadya for dumping her kids and garbage on her, but she could clean up some of it. Instead she’s playing the wounded victim and refusing to even do even a small amount. I guess we know where Nadya gets her conniving, self-centered personality. This woman is so bitter that she’d rather hold on to a grudge and live in a trashed home than lift a finger to clean up after herself. Maybe she’s just looking for excuses, just like her daughter.

In Touch will have many more photos in their issue this week. These are just a sample, thanks to Bauer-Griffin. I’m including a photo of the bathroom, because there’s no excuse for the way that towel is hung and all the products that are scattered on the counter. Did Nadya’s mom leave the towel hanging there like that for four months because her daughter didn’t hang it up right? Please.
