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Meghan Trainor: Ive always hated the word plus-sized. It should be gone

Meghan Trainor

Meghan Trainor has been quiet lately, which is nice because she’s a little ditzy. Her management must have told her to chill out and let the tunes talk for themselves. Now that Meghan has a fashion collaboration to promote, she’s doing interviews and spoke with Elle. She’ll be working with FullBeauty, but she very much dislikes the term “plus-sized.” Meghan feels this is an insult to full-figured ladies, yet she’s paired up with a label that caters primarily to size 12 and above, so I don’t know. Meghan’s entire brand is built upon not looking like a typical pop star. She has dissed “skinny girls” in her lyrics but backtracked when called out. Meghan even praised thigh gaps, so I think there are some mixed messages with her. Here’s what Meghan had to say about her clothing endorsement:

On being a “confidence idol”: “That never was a decision. It kind of just happened. I hate seeing when people blow up about a model because she has a little extra skin. I hate that it’s like I have to be a big diva, but I like that we’re talking about it, and those people are speaking up.”

On sizing terminology & labels: “I’ve always hated the word ‘plus-size.’ It bugs me. When I first signed up with FullBeauty, and I talked to them. I was like, ‘I don’t want to be labeled as this plus-sized girl coming in,’ and they said, ‘Absolutely not, we don’t like that term either.” Which is why we like to say ‘full beauty’ [and] why I was immediately excited to work with them. Everything Melissa said is completely accurate. [They’re] a big part of our society, women who are size 14, and how are you going to criticize us? The word ‘plus-sized’ should be gone.”

On internet criticism: “I’ll try not to read the comments, especially on YouTube – YouTube has the worst comments. On Instagram, I’ll scroll down and see what’s going on, and I have little warriors now: These little fans that are yelling at anyone who criticizes me. It’s cool because it’s not all hate, you know? But there are those comments that are like, ‘Fat whale, go away,’ pretty brutal stuff. I just try to not read [it] … and my family really helps me out whenever I’m feeling down about comments. My mom talks me out of being sad.”

[From Elle]

Well, no one ever deserves to be called “fat whale,” and Meghan is correct in that YouTube commenters are the absolute worst ones on the internet. I can’t read those comments either and don’t even have to worry about being a target for them. Does Meghan have a point about the term “plus-sized“? She’s working with a company who uses another distinguishing term for over-12 sizes, so maybe she feels their term is not as discriminatory. I sorta feel like both terms equally call out the same thing but am completely open to other opinions. It would be fantastic if we could eliminate all sizing labels and just use numbers, but that’s impossible since some designers only make clothing for certain ranges. The whole thing is such a mess, and someone will always be slighted by size labeling.

Meghan Trainor

Meghan Trainor

Photos courtesy of WENN
