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Golfer Jack Nicklaus endorses Donald Trump, acts like Trump is the victim

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I always forget that the last few weeks of a presidential election cycle brings a silly season of political endorsements. I didn’t have Ice Cube-going-MAGA on my 2020 Bingo Card, but I probably could have predicted that rich old white guys are MAGA. I mean, show me a photo of famed golfer Jack Nicklaus and I would say “yeah, he looks like Trump’s base.” He didn’t *have* to publicly endorse Trump, we just would have known. It would have been implied. But here we are. Nicklaus posted this on social media:

Get out and vote. I did!

— Jack Nicklaus (@jacknicklaus) October 29, 2020

First of all, white letters on a red background will ALWAYS be terrorism. Who does that?? I stopped reading at “I have been very disappointed in what he’s had to put up with from many directions,” to be completely honest. There’s something about that Trumpian-wallowing in self-pity which is just repulsive to me. These are old white Republican men who are actively oppressing people and marginalizing people and yet they always adopt this air of aggrieved self-pity, like they’re the true victims in any situation. But yeah, Nicklaus also writes some other dumpster fire sh-t. Cancelled.

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